Introducing... The Totally Awesome Debt Freedom Planner
A tool to help you budget, save, pay off debt, and organize your finances easier and faster! Available in Digital and Hardcopy formats!
Buy Now!Courses and Memberships
Join us in Debt Free Dad's exclusive courses and memberships, which have helped people save and pay off tens of millions of dollars.

Roots Has Helped People Pay Off MILLIONS. It Will Change Your Life!
Anyone can save money, pay off debt, and have financial success when you follow the proven success path inside Roots of Personal Finance.
If you're sick and tired of your money struggles and you're ready to learn a new way to manage your money that actually works, it's never been easier to get started!
This isn't just a membership site and coaching program - it's a system built to destroy stress and debt.
Roots is a complete, 100% comprehensive online learning-and-doing system that not only teaches you how to take control of your money, but also helps you implement the process we teach as you learn.
Roots is a closed membership, meaning we only open our doors a few times a year. We do this to give our members the best support. If you'd like to know when the doors open again, jump on our waiting list and you'll be the first to know!
Join Roots Now!
Stop Money Fights and Arguments
Helping couples get on the same page, set goals, and have clear communication, so they can have less financial stress and live a happier life.
Get Instant Access for $27
Learn To Budget! No More Confusion. Way Less Stress!
Stink at budgeting? Most people do! Brad's Totally Awesome Budgeting Course will teach you everything you need to know in just a few hours. A budget is the most important tool to help you reach all your goals. In no time, my course will have you reaping the benefits.
Get Instant Access for $10
Discover The First Steps To Less Financial Stress
Are you looking for help and answers to your financial challenges? Not sure where to begin? Look no further! My FREE workshop is a great way to get started on the road to a stress-free financial life!
Get Started for Free!
Listen, Watch, and Subscribe to the Debt Free Dad Podcast...
where we’re helping normal, every day people learn how to save money, and kick debt so they can live a happier and stress free life.
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