Latest Episodes
Welcome to episode #106 of the Debt Free Dad podcast. Have you ever used the excuse or reason, "I can't afford it!" to...
Welcome to episode #105 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Well it’s official, 2022 is here, and we are back for a brand...
Welcome to episode #99 of the Debt Free Dad podcast. Is the 'broke person mentality' keeping you stuck? It very well could...
Welcome to episode #98 of the Debt Free Dad podcast. When getting out of debt and taking control of your finances, it's...
Welcome to episode #97 of the Debt Free Dad podcast. I get this question a lot, "Brad, I am considering debt consolidation...
Welcome to episode #96 of the Debt Free Dad podcast. So you're looking to make some extra cash to help you build your ER...
Welcome to episode #95 of the Debt Free Dad podcast. So you started your budget, but you're having some challenges. Today...
Welcome to episode #94 of the Debt Free Dad podcast. Today I am excited to welcome Jeannie Bodnar to the show. Jeannie is...