Latest Episodes
Welcome to episode #187 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. Today I am excited to welcome Kim Schmidt to the podcast. Kim...
Welcome to episode #186 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. Today I am excited to have
Merry Juerling on the show. Merry is...
Welcome to episode #185 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. If you're in a relationship or
married, and you share your personal...
Welcome to episode #184 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. Did you know there are 300,000 items in the average American home...
Welcome to episode #183 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. Today I am excited to welcome Jenny Foster to the podcast. Jenny...
Welcome to episode #182 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. As parents of high school seniors, we know that this stage is filled...
Welcome to episode #181 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. There are so many people out there looking for the SECRET to getting...
Welcome to episode #180 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. Get ready to uncover a captivating phenomenon that's taking...